ARPA-Chemsex Project (enhanced multidisciplinary network support-chemsex project in France)

Author: Jonathan Rayneau, Fred Bladou

Theme: Models of Care Year: 2023

Chemsex is a public health issue, complex because of its framework but significant because of its evolution and consequences.
In France, we have seen that the response to formulate for chemsex is faced with many difficulties:
• Taboo of the representations of the chemsex and subjects related to it.
• Restrictions (lockdowns, curfews, gay venues’ closure) due to Covid-19, changing the way that users consume as well as professional practices,
• Lack of awareness-raising of the primary care professionals about chemsex,
• Complicated coordination of the involved actors (of sexology, addictology, psychology, …) because of the multidisciplinary chemsex requires,
• Difficult visibility of the offers of care and support.
• Inequalities of services in the territories.
Also, since a few years, Aides and professionals in the field collaborate to ensure a better support for the chemsexers. We need to avoid and control these observed problems, as we must harmonize the multiple offers.

Our project aims to improve and reinforce, on a territorial scale, the multidisciplinary offers of sexual prevention and risk and harm reduction for chemsexers. It is co-piloted b Federation Addiction and Aides. It consists of providing support to six precursor action sites (in Paris, Bordeaux, Marseille, Lille, Lyon and Montpellier) in order to strengthen or set up a multidisciplinary support system and a proximity network for chemsexers, and then to produce capitalization and implementation tools.
ARPA-Chemsex project will be subject to an external evaluation to demonstrate the added value and model the offers.

The project is currently underway, results will be available in 2024.

Our project, based on a partnership of two large national organizations and requested by professionals in the field, is funded exclusively by the French public authorities. Any pharmaceutical grants were received in its development.

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