#PO21: Hepatitis C Cascade Of Care (CoC) For PWID Under Opiate Substitution Treatment (OST) In Greece

Author: Olga Anagnostou

Theme: Epidemiology and Public Health Research Year: 2021

Background: Access to HCV treatment for PWID under OST is a core componment of the elimination strategy. Accurate information about the actual situation in this setting is a crucial prerequirement for effective planning. Our aim is to describe the CoC in OST in Greece. Methods: A retrospective analysis of OST data collected on March 2019 was conducted. A sample of 5,425 patients (86% male, mean age: 47.1 years, buprenorphine/methadone:66%/34%) in OST units of large(>200 patients:34%), medium(100-199 patients:34%) or small capacity(

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